Course Overview
The Advanced Surgical Skills for Exposure in Trauma (ASSET) course provides an overview of key surgical exposures in five key anatomic areas: neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis, extremities, upper and lower. A one day cadaver-based course follows this modular, body region approach. Each section begins with a short case-based overview, followed by a hands-on exposure performed by students under the guidance of faculty. The student to faculty ratio is low, allowing extensive faculty guidance and interaction with students. The student assesses his or her ability to perform each exposure independently and is evaluated on knowledge, and technical skills.
Center for Advanced Medical Learning and Simulation (CAMLS)
124 S. Franklin St., Tampa, FL 33602
Target Audience
Mid-level and senior surgical residents, trauma and acute care surgical fellows, or any surgeon who wishes to undertake a review of this anatomy.
Learning Objectives
As a result of participating in this activity, the physician will be able to:
1) Apply knowledge of key anatomical exposures for the care of acutely injured surgical patients.
2) Demonstrate technical ability to expose important structures that may require acute surgical intervention to save life or limb.
3) Perform anatomic exposures independently.
Educational Gap
Surgeons who care for injured patients need to know how to rapidly expose and repair complex injuries in all parts of the human body. This course teaches comprehensive exposure skills using a cadaver-based model.
Registration, Change into Scrubs, Breakfast
Welcome, Course Overview
Lab One
- Neck and Upper Extremity Injuries (Cases 1-2)
- Upper Extremity Injuries (Cases 3-4)
Lab Two
- Exposure of Femoral and Lower Extremity, Lower Extremity Fasciotomies (Cases 5-6)
- Pelvis Vessels (Cases 7-8)
Lab Three
- Heart, Thoracotomy and Neck (Cases 9-12)
Lab Four
- Abdomen Trauma (Cases 13-17)
Post Test and Self-Assessment

Luis E. Llerena, MD, is the Medical Director of USF HEALTH CAMLS and Professor, Department of Surgery at the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine.
He holds both national and state leadership positions: Surgical Director of the American College of Surgeons Accredited Educational Institute (ACS AEI) at USF CAMLS, ACS AEI Committees (Accreditation Review and Curriculum), Florida Committee of Trauma (FCOT) Vice Chair, and Florida Trauma State Faculty. He is a course director for key surgical and critical care curriculum, including Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS®), Advanced Trauma Operative Management (ATOM®), and Advanced Surgical Skills for Exposure in Trauma (ASSET®), Stop the Bleed®, and the Fundamental Critical Care Support (FCCS) program. He is an FCCS consultant. Additionally, Dr Llerena is a trauma site surveyor for the Pennsylvania Trauma System Foundation.
Dr. Llerena received both his undergraduate and his medical degrees from the University of Maryland. He completed his surgical residency at the Medical College of Pennsylvania/Hahnemann University in Philadelphia and UMDNJ – Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in Camden, New Jersey. He received his trauma/surgical critical care fellowship training at Orlando Regional Medical Center in Orlando, Florida. He is board certified in Surgery and Surgical Critical Care.
Dr. Llerena is an associate member of the American College of Surgeons’ Academy of Master Surgical Educators, master trainer for TeamSTEPPS® and the Patient Safety Education Program (PSEP), and Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator – Advanced (CHSE-A) by the Society for Simulation Healthcare (SSH). His main research interests include military medicine, simulation-based education, patient safety, and trauma education.
Additional Information
For questions about course content, please contact
Cancellation Policy
Due to instructors, tissue and resources being procured based on course attendance, USF Health Professions Conferencing Corporation must adhere to the following cancellation policy.
- All requests for cancellation, transfer or refunds much be received in writing to
- Cancellations received at least 31 calendar days prior to the start of the activity, a refund will be provided minus a $75 administrative fee and the cost of the book and shipping (up to $184.00).
- Requests for a transfer to another course date at least 31 calendar days prior to the start of the activity will be honored with no additional fees. The new course date must be within 6 months of the original course date.
- No refunds or requests for transfer will be provided if cancellation is received within (and including) 30 calendar days of the start date of the activity
- No-shows are not eligible for a refund or transfer.
- For internal USF participants or organizations wishing to be invoiced for registrations, your department or organization will be invoiced according to the above guidelines.
USF Health Professions Conferencing Corporation reserves the right to cancel this activity due to unforeseen circumstances, in which you will be contacted via phone and/or email to reschedule or issue a refund. USF Health Professions Conferencing Corporation is not responsible for travel expenses
incurred by the participants in the rare event that this activity is canceled or postponed.